Agent Orange Claims
Help for Vietnam Veterans Injured by Agent Orange

Over the course of a decade, millions of gallons of Agent Orange were dumped on Vietnam. In addition to accomplishing the goal of destroying vegetation, this herbicide has since proven to have other serious negative effects on the soldiers who were exposed to it. Conditions commonly tied to Agent Orange exposure include:
- Various types of cancer, including prostate cancer and leukemia
- Diabetes
- Heart disease
- Hodgkin's disease
- Peripheral neuropathy
The list is quite extensive, and even includes birth defects like Spina bifida suffered by the children of soldiers exposed to Agent Orange in Vietnam. At the Law Office of Michael James Kelley in Boston, we help people who have suffered any of these conditions get VA benefits.
You Are Entitled to Benefits
Agent Orange claims are unique because the effects of this chemical are now understood and accepted by the medical community and the Veterans Administration. In cases involving other types of medical conditions, it is typically necessary to provide evidence showing the link between the condition and military service. In Agent Orange claims, all that is necessary is to show that you served in Vietnam during the time period that this chemical was used.
When you enlist our lawyers, we will take great care to make certain that all of the evidence necessary is presented to the VA in order to expedite your claim.
Free Consultations | Massachusetts VA Benefits Attorneys
For a free consultation with a Boston veterans benefits attorney, call us at 617-523-1450 or contact us by e-mail.