New England Veterans Benefits Lawyers
Make Certain Your VA Benefits Claim Is Handled with Care
"A man who is good enough to shed his blood for his country is good enough to be given a square deal afterwards."
— President Theodore Roosevelt

At the Law Office of Michael James Kelley, we believe that men and women who served our country deserve more than a square deal. They deserve the help and support they need, particularly if they have become disabled in the line of duty or otherwise.
We Fight For Veterans
Unfortunately, it is becoming more and more difficult for veterans to get the benefits they deserve. Our VA benefits attorneys push back. We use our decades of experience to move cases through the system, so that you can obtain the VA disability benefits you are entitled to receive.
To learn more about our work on behalf of veterans, please visit the following pages:
- VA Disability Claim Process: Obtaining VA disability benefits is often a years-long process. We work to minimize your wait and maximize your benefits.
- Veterans Claims Appeals: Was your claim denied? Do not give up. We have a long history of success winning benefits for disabled veterans whose initial claims were denied.
- Agent Orange Claims: If you served in Vietnam at the time Agent Orange was used and have developed health problems, you are entitled to receive VA disability benefits. In some instances, your children may be eligible for benefits, too.
- Mental Health Claims: Since ancient times, soldiers have suffered psychological symptoms due to their military service. Today there is less stigma and more recognition that mental health problems can be as disabling as any physical injury or condition.
- PTSD Claims: Posttraumatic stress disorder can develop during the service or years after. Common symptoms include flashbacks, anxiety and nightmares, but every case is unique.
- Hypertension/High Blood Pressure: Veterans have a higher incidence of high blood pressure than the general population. You may be eligible for benefits whether you developed hypertension while in the service or after discharge.
- Substance Abuse: If your substance abuse is linked to PTSD, depression or another primary condition, you may be eligible for veteran's benefits.
- Military Sexual Trauma: We have successfully represented both male and female victims of sexual assault and/or sexual abuse.
- Camp Lejeune Water Cases: If you served at Camp Lejeune and developed a serious health condition, you may be eligible to obtain VA disability benefits.
- Aggravation of Pre-Existing Conditions: If military service exacerbated a condition that existed before you entered the service, you are entitled to disability benefits from the VA.
- Toxic Exposure in SW Asia: Soldiers who served in Kuwait, Iraq, Qatar and elsewhere in southwest Asia were exposed to everything from burning oil wells to mustard gas to fine sand, all of which can lead to disabling conditions.
- Cancer Claims: Service in the military can result in a cancer diagnosis from a multitude of causes, from asbestosis from working in ships, to kidney disease from inhaling aircraft fumes. If you developed cancer during or after military service, it makes sense to discuss your situation with an experienced VA disability benefits lawyer.
- Total Disability based on Individual Unemployability (TDIU): You may be eligible to receive disability benefits at the 100 percent rate, even if your disability is rated less than 100 percent.
Help through Every Stage of the Veterans Disability Process
Since 1994, we have stood beside veterans like you beginning at the application process. When claims are denied, we guide our clients through veteran's claims appeals. We are skilled at handling cases before the Board of Veterans' Appeals, as well as the United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims. We have developed an impressive reputation for success in these arenas.
Meet with a Massachusetts VA Benefits Attorney for Free
For a free consultation with a New England veteran's benefits lawyer, call our Boston office at 617-523-1450, toll free at 888-405-0600 or contact us by email. Our attorneys represent veterans from throughout the Northeast from our offices in Boston, Providence, Rhode Island, and Nashua, New Hampshire.