Veterans Claims Appeals Lawyers
Denial of Veterans Benefits Is Common

If your claim for veterans benefits has been denied, or you believe you have not been granted the amount of benefits you are entitled to, do not get discouraged. You are not alone. It is important to understand that the Veterans Administration is a government agency that sees only files and numbers, not people, when it reviews claims. It does not put time and care into every case. We do. At the Law Office of Michael James Kelley in Boston, our lawyers help people like you overcome denied or underpaid claims by building strong, thoroughly prepared cases and appealing at all available levels until we get results.
Why Was Your Claim Denied?
Having handled these cases for decades, our attorneys understand the reasons that veterans claims are typically denied: The VA states that the disabling condition is not related to service, it existed prior to service or simply is not severe enough to qualify. Of course, these are the reasons it puts onto paper. The real reason has more to do with the fact that it is backlogged and does not have time to review and investigate each claim properly. That is why there is the opportunity to appeal a denial or underpayment.
Pursuing Appeals to the Highest Level
Having an experienced lawyer by your side is critical, because appeals of denied and underpaid veterans benefits can become very complicated. We handle appeals at all levels, starting with the Board of Veterans' Appeals. If success is not achieved at that level, we can continue to the United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims. We have a reputation for success in all arenas.
Free Consultations | Massachusetts VA Benefits Attorneys
For a free consultation with a Boston veterans benefits attorney, call us at 617-523-1450 or contact us by e-mail.