Veterans' Hearing Loss Benefits
New England VA Benefits Lawyer Helping Vets with Hearing Loss

Many veterans experience hearing loss while serving.Whether assigned overseas in war zones or stateside, members of the armed forces work in conditions that often include extreme noise volumes, explosions and other percussive incidents, and head and neck injuries that affect the physical structure of the ears. More than 2.7 million veterans receive disability benefits for hearing loss, auditory processing disorder (APD), and tinnitus, a ringing or buzzing in the ears that can be disabling. In fact, vets are 30 percent more likely to suffer hearing loss and disfunction than non-vets, according to a study published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
If you have experienced hearing loss as a result of your military service, you know how frustrating it can be to function in civilian life with this kind of disability. You may even be unable to work because of tinnitus or hearing loss.The difficulty of obtaining disability benefits for these conditions just adds to the frustration.
At The Law Office of Michael James Kelley, our disability attorneys help veterans with hearing loss claims.They advise veterans about eligibility for benefits and assist with the application process.
Causes of Hearing Loss Among Veterans
The Hearing Health Foundation reported that sixty percent of vets suffer from some form of hearing loss caused by:
- Explosions, including roadside devices and other blast-causing circumstances
- Noise from jet engines, helicoptersand heavy equipment
- Noise from automatic weapons
Many veterans with hearing problems arising from their service have other disabling conditions. Hearing lossis often linked with depression because of the isolation experienced by sufferers. Vets with hearing loss may have depression and other conditions that also qualify them for benefits. Our disability lawyers can advise you how to proceed.
We Help When Your VA Disability Claim Is Denied
Not all veterans receive VA disability benefits for their hearing disorders caused by events such as these, in part because the application process can be daunting. To obtain benefits, you will need a current diagnosis of hearing loss, tinnitus or APD. In addition, you must document the service-connected event or series of events you believed caused your condition. Finally, you must obtain a medical report that establishes how the service-connected event caused your hearing problem.
Furthermore, you must complete two required hearing tests, a controlled speech discrimination test and a pure tone audiometry test. You will need to complete both tests without hearing aids and have the tests administered by a licensed audiologist. Even when these tests show hearing loss, tinnitus or APD, and even when you believe you have showed the link between your hearing disorder and a service-related event or situation, the VA may deny your claim. Don't give up.Our disability lawyers can help you appeal a negative decision in pursuit of the benefits you need and deserve.
Call for a Free Consultation with a Massachusetts VA Disability Benefits Lawyer
Find out how our VA disability attorneys can help with your claim for hearing disorder benefits from the VA. To discuss your case, please call our Boston office at 617-523-1450 for a free consultation. You may also contact us by email. For your convenience, we also have offices in Providence, Rhode Island and Nashua, New Hampshire.
Free Consultations | Massachusetts VA Benefits Attorneys
For a free consultation with a Boston veterans benefits attorney, call us at 617-523-1450 or contact us by e-mail.
Free Consultations | Massachusetts VA Benefits Attorneys
For a free consultation with a Boston veterans benefits attorney, call us at 617-523-1450 or contact us by e-mail.